Expanding Horizons of Art - New Artistic Expertise - Webinar series - Finland
Thu 13.1. Time 14.00 - Thu 17.2.2022 Time 19.00
Webinar series
In the series of lectures organized by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Turku UAS’ Arts Academy and Turku Museum Centre, Finnish and international professionals from the field of contemporary art come together to share their work in the expanding horizons of public art. How do digital technologies shape our conception of art (today)? How is the new expertise shown in artistic working processes? What types of phenomena does art deal with at this moment in time?
Lectures and speakers
13.1. 14–16 Kalle Nio & Hans Rosenström: Hetki julkisessa tilassa (in Finnish)
20.1. 14–16 Maija Kovari, Kristiina Ljokkoi & Ville-Matti Rautjoki: Näkökulmia nykytaiteen tilaamiseen (in Finnish)
27.1. 14–16 Matterlurgy & Taru Elfving: At the edges of vision (in English)
3.2. 14–16 Sanna Lehtinen & Denise Ziegler (in Finnish) Taide ja valta arjen kaupunkitilassa (suomeksi)
10.2. 14–16 Erich Berger & Björn Kröger/ Bioart Society: Navigating the fine madness of art and science (in English)
17.2. 17–19 Anne Katrine Senstad & Aura Seikkula: Artistic expertise and curatorial strategies (in English)
The lectures are arranged in Finnish and English on Zoom.
Register here by 11th January.
The series of lectures is a part of Arts Promotion Centre Finland’s development programme for artistic expertise and mediation, and it is coordinated by Regional Artist Annika Dahlsten. Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Art Henna-Riikka Halonen and Arts Coordinator Riina Kotilainen are responsible for the implementation at Turku UAS’ Arts Academy and Senior Curator Ville-Matti Rautjoki at Turku Museum Centre.