Monday, June 27, 2011

Installation views from Is Her Name Red? at Stiftelsen 3,14

From the exhibition Is Her Name Red? at Stiftelsen 3,14 in Bergen, Norway
June 25th - August 14th 2011. 
Curated by Malin Barth, Director Stiftelsen 3,14.

Gallery view 1 of the video trilogy installation Colour Kinesthesia and Colour Synesthesia Variation I and II, 2010-2011. 

Music by J G Thirlwell. Technical support Benny Mouthon and Manuel Sander.

Gallery Installation view 3 of slide show of The Norwegians - Women, 2009  (no sound) and Gallery entrance showing 2 photographic pieces from The Norwegians - Women

Gallery installation view 3 : From the lens based series The Pink Project, 2004-07